Saturday, February 29, 2020

World Cultures and Cultural Lifestyles Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

World Cultures and Cultural Lifestyles - Essay Example With new attitudes, cultures and lifestyles flooding these regions brought forward by new business growth and job opportunities, very old-world systems of family and cultural relationships are taking on a modern appeal and value system. Depending on the type of culture in a certain foreign region, the impact of new attitudes greatly increases the chances of change in cultural systems all across the world. In regions of the world such as Saudi Arabia and India, there is a collectivist mentality that puts large emphasis on the needs of group loyalty and group welfare. People who hail from collectivist nations tend to view themselves as extended members of a larger family unit and generally these individuals have a great deal of respect for tradition and the reciprocation of favors (Blodgett, Bakir & Rose, 339). Collectivist nations often perform their business activities in such a way where group membership and group affiliation are demanded from domestic and foreign business leaders. This type of traditionalist culture and those who value its family-oriented concept will often demand a different style of business meeting where friendship, camaraderie, and informal discussions are the norm. What occurs in a collectivist culture when foreign business leaders who value more individualism and self-expression bring their new ideas forward is a change in attitude that is more Westernized rather than traditionalist in the region. Why is this? New changes in business presence and ideas that form from foreign business leadership begin to restructure business principles and therefore changes the attitudes of those working within this new globalized organization. For instance, new call centers developed in Saudi Arabia, as one example, might be originally focused on providing a forum for consumers to demand changes to product variety. However, after the influx of foreign business leadership from countries such as the United States, new styles of performing call center func tions that now are geared toward individualized customer service have changed the local culture simply through business restructuring. It is important to identify that cultural interdependency is not only present in business, but can be found sociologically in a variety of different international communities. â€Å"Leaders aspiring to be effective in multi-cultural environments must develop an awareness of the different dimensions of culture that are and will be most central to their constituencies† (Shriberg & Kumari, 20). What this is suggesting is that leadership must be flexible in multi-cultural environments and be adaptable to foreign attitudes related to culture and lifestyle. It does not necessarily mean that individuals from foreign countries are, necessarily, going to be able to make changes to how domestic cultures perform their lifestyle and business activities. For example, in certain cultures, there might be a preference for older, traditionalist ways and theref ore they resist any changes that bring liberal and individualistic attitudes into the local culture hailing from foreign visitors or business leaders. Cultural interdependency has become a product of a changing globe and the demands that are placed on what was once an under-developed country in order to make the local culture more in-line with flexible and adaptable individualistic mentalities. In an environment where group norms are powerful as it is related to traditionalist values, it becomes more and more difficult to change these attitudes to make them more flexible and progressive especially if the local cultural values greatly conflict with

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Marketing Products Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Marketing Products - Assignment Example On the other hand, the company also ensures that its product is of high quality in order for other consumers to purchase its products as opposed to those of the competitors. Therefore, the key product offered is beer. The product has been the key product for the company for a number of years now. However, in order for the company to diversify the number of customers that it serves, it also includes other beverages in order to accommodate customers who might not be comfortable with drinking beer. However, the company manufactures beer only while it outsources the other beverages. The major characteristic of beer is that it requires a large number of raw materials such as sugar and water. Water is one scarce commodity that is very costly to the company since; it is not readily available. In addition, the sales of beer are also characterized by seasonal changes. For instance, the sales are always at peak during end month, and low pick during mid-month. This is due to the fact that; indi viduals tend to overspend when they have a lot money at their disposal. Beer is also a product that is not easy to market, this is because; it is not every individual in the society who takes beer. The service component that is associated with the product offered by BERVET is mainly entertainment. The company ensures that its customers are well entertained by the drinks that they serve. The company mainly promotes entertainment to promote its products to the customers. Therefore, customers will be mainly attracted to purchase the goods in search of entertainment. Therefore, entertainment is like an additional service that is offered to the consumers who purchase beer that is manufactured by BERVET. The service will greatly aid in enhancing the product through attracting the number of persons that purchase beer for the company. This way, the company will be able to also attract customers who do not take beer. Thus, other beverages offered will also have obtained market through the se rvice. The service will also help in creating appositive image for the product. This is because; the company will be able to compete well with its competitors since; customers will find services that are not available from the competitors. Therefore, when more customers are attracted, the company’s sales will increase by a large amount (Wood,  2003). Currently, BERVET Company has already developed more than 5 product lines. However, the company can still be able to expand its product line in order to increase its sales of beer. This will be mainly through innovation. The company could come with new ideas of brewing different types of beers. This way, it will be able to come up with different types of products. Expanding of the product line can be done in terms of gender, age and income earning range. This is where by, individuals of different age groups will be targeted differently from individuals of different age groups. In addition, persons earning different levels of in come will be targeted differently. This will also be accomplished through innovation since; the company could come up with expensive products that will be meant to specifically target people that earn high incomes. In terms of depth, the company could increase its product line by targeting a large number of persons to purchase its commodities (Wood,  2003). In addition, it could also increase the depth of its customers by increasing the size of the market, and the amount of